Yondercast: The Gaming Life
Yondercast: The Gaming Life
Ep.10: Yondavision - A Wandavision Review
WARNING! - This episode contains heavy spoilers for the first season of Disney’s Wandavision.
Contact us at yondercast@gmail.com
Episode Agenda with Time Stamps:
- 00:00 - Cold Open
- 00:40 - Intro
- 01:38 - Main Discussion - Wandavision Review
- 42:50 - Outro
- Cover Art Photo: Mosby Lake - follow this dog on instagram at regular_mo.
- Cover Art Font: Paper Cuts 2 by Empire of Dust (Daniel Werneck) is Public Domain.
- Intro Music: Shortened version of “Sweat Time” by Loyalty Freak Music is licensed under a CC0 1.0 Universal License.
- Outro Music: Shortened version of “Alethia” by Nihilore is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Ep.10 - Yondavision
Ian: [00:00:00] Talk, go talk now.
Josh: [00:00:02] that's the first thing that's going to be on the recording now.
Patrick: [00:00:06] That it has to be like one of the blooper reels or I can even do like podcast bloopers. Do they have those? Have you been like secretly editing stuff for like the end of the year?
Ian: [00:00:15] I haven't.
All of this, all of the dumb stuff that we say in the show, I keep in the show. I don't edit out stuff.
Patrick: [00:00:23] that is pretty much true.
Ian: [00:00:24] I editout all of the moments where we're particularly eloquent or make really good points. I leave in all the dumb stuff.
Josh: [00:00:30] Oh, good.
Patrick: [00:00:31] It's like, how dare we sound too smart.
Ian: [00:00:33] Well, Josh, I'm going to need you to put that burrito down right now because you know what time it is,
Josh: [00:00:40] Huh.
Ian: [00:00:41] It's time for Yondercast. Welcome to the show, everybody this week, we're recording a quick, special episode about the recently concluded first season of the successful Disney Plus series Wandavision. My name is Ian Lake and I'm joined this week by a true sentient weapon, Patrick Leitch.
Patrick: [00:01:01] Wow. That's very nice of you. Thank you.
Ian: [00:01:03] And I'm also joined by a robot who clearly has gum in his gears. Josh Baltzell
Josh: [00:01:10] Not where I expected that to go.
Patrick: [00:01:12] No
Ian: [00:01:13] those were both references by the way. I don't know if I don't know who's listening, but.
Patrick: [00:01:18] we were, and that was pretty good.
Ian: [00:01:20] So we're doing something special. We're kind of, we're not really doing like the standard structure here. We're not going to banter and we're not going to talk about science. We're really just going to record a quick episode because we all watched Wandavision and we all wanted to talk about it. And we all felt like we had maybe something entertaining to say, so kind of like to do this the same way that we did our outer banks.
Episode, which is that I want to start with our ratings. I'm going to ask you guys to write down, commit on a piece of paper. What do you rate Wandavision as a whole season one of Wanda vision, and this is a scale of one to 10 and you can go into the tenths place decimal.
Josh: [00:02:00] I'm really anxious this time around because I got so much hate. For our outer banks episode, I still have students approaching me being like, what is wrong with you? I'm like, I'm sorry.
Patrick: [00:02:12] That is forever your legacy, the harshest critic.
Ian: [00:02:17] well, you are the villain, Josh. You, you cast yourself as the villain as well, all the time. Are you guys ready?
Patrick: [00:02:24] I
Josh: [00:02:25] Oh yeah.
Ian: [00:02:25] Okay, what's your rating of Wanda vision.
Patrick: [00:02:29] I'm giving it an 8.2. Let me give it an 8.2.
Ian: [00:02:33] Okay. Josh, what's your rating of one division.
Josh: [00:02:38] Wow. Now I'm the, the easy grader, cause I gave it a 9.2.
Ian: [00:02:43] A 9.2. Wow. Well, I'm gonna I'm going to activate my email filters because I'm giving it an 8.0.
Patrick: [00:02:51] Okay.
Ian: [00:02:52] So um, should we like summarize the show for our listeners? Really quick. Actually, I feel like probably only the people listening to this show are going to be people who have watched this series. In fact, I would recommend that anyone who hasn't watched the series and is thinking about it, probably go watch it and then come back and listen to the episode.
Because I, after this point right now, I'm giving us free reins to talk about spoilers. I don't think that we can really dissect the show, especially this show without talking about spoilers. Cause they're spoilers like from episode one, Halfway through episode one. So um, I want to know what you guys liked about it, because those are all pretty high ratings and you guys both rated it higher than me.
So let's start with you, Patrick. What did you like about the show?
Patrick: [00:03:38] to me, it felt really well-produced. And that was kind of the thing that caught me from the beginning is how much like of the, like the CGI and special effects were put into that. For something that seemed like just like a short series. Like, I don't know if they're taking this any further. I haven't read too much.
And if there's going to be like a season two, I think it's from what I read kind of a standalone type thing and kind of like a jumping point for a lot of other maybe series or. Parallels or connections, but I mean, the production value alone was really, really good. And the thing that caught me right away was just the different styles of those different decades, different years.
I just thought that was a very interesting and unique perspective to bring to a television show because a lot of the times we were sitting there watching it, trying to guess like, Ooh, I wonder what this show is trying to mimic. Like what from, from what decade. So to me, what I really liked was. It got me thinking outside of the actual show and full disclosure, like, I'm definitely like a huge noob when it comes to the MCU.
Like, I haven't watched any of these. Yeah. I know this is bad. Like I'm going to admit it right off the bat. So when you guys are going into like the deep dive of the conspiracy theories slash connections slash what's coming up, sort of things like you might lose me, I'm not gonna lie. So I was kind of looking at it from a lens of not trying to.
Dissect it too much. Like I did kind of with the Mandalorian, like I was so trying to figure out like, okay, what timeline is this in? Like, where is this? What is that like? So my perspective was a little bit different and I think that was super refreshing. And I like that I could just watch it at face value.
I wasn't trying to analyze every single second and look into every scene and be like, well, what does this mean? What does that mean? So it was just a very fun, like I thought it was very fun and very unique and very interesting, but at the same time had some very. I would say not, I want to say like darker tones to it, but at that same time it was serious.
It was, it was fun but serious at the same time. So that, that was what really caught me about it.
Ian: [00:05:37] excellent. Josh, what about you? And 9.2 and you are somewhat, critical, especially of TV shows. It's a hard thing to impress you with a TV show. So you love this one.
Josh: [00:05:47] Oh, yeah. But I, you know, I think that what sold me on it is that this was basically a Marvel movie. I almost didn't even view this as a TV show, because if you put all of the different episodes together, it really felt like an entire movie. And there was just so much to love with it. I mean, if you're just looking at the actors. Every single person seemed a hundred percent committed to their role. I mean, I, I don't know if any of our listeners enjoy TikTok. But I am obsessed with TikTok. There was a particular actor that had a TikTok and everybody kept asking him all of these conspiracy theory questions. He was so committed to his role that he kept making jokes.
Like I don't want to lose my job, leave me alone. Please stop asking me conspiracy theory questions. But like everybody, he seemed to love filming it. I mean, you've got like Elizabeth Olsen and Pat bet ne or Paul Bettany. Aye. Not very good at pronouncing their names, but yeah, they, they both treated this.
Like it was more than a TV show. And so I don't know, I, I I'm absolutely and thrilled by everything that they did with this show. And it seemed so well planned out from start to finish. Like they knew where they were going. They knew what they wanted to do. And I am one of those people that over analyzed everything.
I was one of the people that was sitting in a basement with red string shouting. Manifestos in the wallpaper looking really crazy, but I mean, it made it fun. Cause it was like every week you got a little hint of what was coming and even with all the conspiracy theories that I came up with, I, I was still shocked when Agatha was announced and I only figured it out like maybe a half a week before they actually announced it.
And it was because someone else. Gave that conspiracy theory. And I was like, Oh my gosh, I'm an idiot. But it was so perfectly done. I don't know. I loved so much about it.
Ian: [00:07:53] excellent. Well, I don't disagree. Well, I might, I might disagree with just a couple of things and we'll get to that, but I overall really, I think it was a wonderful watch. It was really well produced, you know, great production values. I really liked almost all of the characters that they all were excellent.
And, and like you said It was very, it was a very intriguing mystery. And what I, I think my favorite thing about it was just that it was different, you know, they really, they went out on a limb with it. And I don't think that everything about that limb, they went out on was successful a hundred percent of the time, but I really appreciate that.
It wasn't just a action show, like a straight forward kind of, you know, the same Marvel. Movie that we've seen how many Marvel movies have we seen at this point? 40 like some unreasonable amount. So I really appreciate that. It was different. That was my favorite thing about got.
Patrick: [00:08:48] yeah, the whole 40 movie things is honestly like with having two kids, it's just been so hard to watch them. So I felt like as I'm watching this, like we had talked about lack of like, Oh, we just got to sit down and actually get back through them and actually kind of get caught up. So we can kind of learn who these characters are a little bit more because I think that was another thing that really added to it is I wanted to know more about their backstories and wanted to know more about their characters because I knew how important they were to the story.
Like when, when they get introduced these new characters. Everyone just seems like they know them like their family or they know them. Like they're very important. And I'm like, who is that person? Okay. I don't know who this is, but I feel left out of the loop and I don't like that feelings. So I want to know about it more.
So that was, I really liked that aspect of it. And especially like Kathryn Hahn, like. I only knew her from like very different comedy type roles. And so even though it seemed comedic in the very beginning, having her take a twist and having a, of a more serious role, I really enjoyed, like, I just really love her as an actor.
So it was really cool for me. It's kind of like when I saw will Ferrell do stranger than fiction I was not expecting him to be able to pull off a pretty serious. Meaningful role and not like this was like, I would say groundbreaking in terms of like the most serious role anyone could ever do. But I think she pulled that off pretty well, where you usually see her in a very different context.
And now you're like, Oh, that's a different side of that actor I haven't seen before. So that was, that was a huge plus to me too. But I just, I feel like I have to go back and watch all 40 plus movies now to really get the full perfect.
Ian: [00:10:18] It's 23. I looked it up. There's 23 movies in the MCU. I always exaggerate still. I'm glad that it wasn't. You know, basically episode 24 in, in the, not that all the Marvel movies have been different they've or the same, they've done some really interesting, unique stuff with those as well. I'm just glad it didn't tread familiar ground, you know?
So neither of you gave it a perfect 10 and I'm wondering why that is. What were some of the things that maybe brought it down a notch for you starting with we'll go down in ascending order. So Josh, we'll start with you. What, what costed that 0.8 out of 10
Josh: [00:10:59] so there were two major things for me. The first one is really, really just, what's the word that I'm looking for. Petty of me, none
of my conspiracy theories were right. And I'm still really mad about it. Like, I really genuinely thought that Mephisto was going to be in it. I really thought that they were going to have Dr.
Strange appear in the last episode. Cause I don't know if you guys know this, but Wanda vision is essentially the trailer for Dr. Strange two. It's like the lead in, so that there's a lot of character development so that when they have Dr. Strange two, you're kind of like, okay, I know these characters, I know what they've experienced and like you're going into it feeling prepped.
Ian: [00:11:48] That's classic MCU move right there. Use a
Patrick: [00:11:52] and I appreciate
Ian: [00:11:52] a preview for yeah.
Josh: [00:11:54] yeah. Which I actually put as one of my pluses, like I thought that that was really clever of them. Get you amped up for a movie that's coming out. But at the same time,
I expected a lot of things to happen. And then when they didn't happen, I was frustrated. But at the same time, I guess that the other side of the coin would be that that's a good thing, I suppose. I don't know it, I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder. If you like to be surprised, that's a good thing.
If you don't like to be surprised, I was very petty and angry about it.
Ian: [00:12:29] I, so I'm already going to get flack for my review. Probably I'm going to get more flack for this who is Mephisto. Okay.
Patrick: [00:12:35] don't ask me, I read about it, but I honestly don't know any of the background.
Josh: [00:12:43] the truth is I am a comic reader. Like I do read Marvel comics. I have not come across him in a comic, but when I heard his name dropped, I started doing a bunch of research. He is like the devil in the Marvel comic universe. He makes Thanos look kind of pathetic. He never directly interacts with the Avengers, but he'll like set up.
He's like taskmaster in DC. Or his task master DC, no task master is still Marvel. Think of like a more powerful task master. Do you guys know who taskmaster is?
Ian: [00:13:18] I think task master was in the Spider-Man game that I played on the PlayStation four. Yeah,
Patrick: [00:13:25] I know Mephisto was in Diablo too. Definitely not related though.
Ian: [00:13:30] Wow. Okay. So a new, a new villain, a new mega villain.
Josh: [00:13:33] Yeah.
Ian: [00:13:34] Gotcha.
Josh: [00:13:35] And then there's the, the evil guy that Dr. Strange beat last time. But I can't remember his name. It's like umami, but not at a MAMAE
Ian: [00:13:46] I think you're still striking out
Josh: [00:13:51] it's something like
Ian: [00:13:52] It's mung, Kala.
Josh: [00:13:53] It's Mancala. Yeah. I need to look that up now. That's going to drive me insane.
Ian: [00:13:58] Okay. All right. So, so main critique is that you weren't one of the writers on the show, and so you didn't get everything that you expected and they didn't hire you. What about you, Patrick? What costs did the a 1.8 off the top?
Patrick: [00:14:17] I would say that there, it seemed like there were a lot of things that needed to be explained that didn't really get explained even by the end. Like, I feel like. There was a lot of jumps into understanding what was going on. To me, the most interesting part of the show was like the commercials that would randomly be put on, like with the shark and everything else.
And like, I couldn't quite tell is this is, is this like a weird memory of hers coming up? And I feel like maybe I missed it throughout the entire process. And maybe it's just her mind going a little bit. Off script at times, but it just feel like those are just like popped up out of nowhere. And I'm like, well, why aren't these?
Like in there more? Cause they were really, really cool. I mean, they're in there a good amount, but to me that was like one of the things like, it just felt like some parts were a little bit disjointed where I had kind of had to have watched a lot of the movies to fully understand it and appreciate it.
And that was one of my. Likes about it in the first place is that I kind of didn't have to do it. It just felt like its own sort of story. And it felt like it's an own, like Josh was saying its own movie, its own production. And I thought that I loved it. I thought the episodes were too short to me.
That's like a huge like thing I do not like is like, I felt like as, just as I was getting amped up for something big to happen, it was a massive cliffhanger. And I know like, It's hard cause we get so accustomed to the instant gratification of binge watching seasons. Right? You can just, they release the whole season at once and you sit through it.
But to me, the half hour episode, which turned into like sometimes like 20 minutes, it felt like with. The nine hour credits kind of at the end where you had to wait for that through, throughout that entire thing to maybe get a little snippet at the end, that was just kind of like, I feel like a 45 minute episode would have been just like perfect.
Right? Cause then you can go a little bit further than 20, but it doesn't have to be a full hour. So, I mean, that's kind of a logistical kind of gripe that I have with it. Um, Is that what it is Dormammu Dormammu kind of sounds like umami.
Josh: [00:16:13] I know I wasn't far off.
Ian: [00:16:15] Yeah, no, that's that is 100% a ramen brand.
Patrick: [00:16:20] Is it really?
Ian: [00:16:21] No, I don't know, but
Patrick: [00:16:22] Oh God, I love it. Great. Now I'm hungry for ramen way to go. That sounds so good. And then I would say the last thing was, you know, like the deuce S Maka, machina where it just feels like they're just doing something to put it in there to solve a plot hole or speed things up or make something happen to go faster.
It just felt like some of that stuff was only in there too. Like plug a loophole or like the kids growing up really, really fast. It seems like they needed to like wrap up the show. They couldn't just go throughout their entire lives. And maybe that's something from the comics. I didn't know. Maybe they, she can have this.
I guess we're still doing so there's this alternate reality that she created where she can move them faster. But at the same time, it's like, okay, she's just going to speed that stuff up to get to a more meaningful part of the show, which I didn't know if that, like, to me, it just seemed a little too much.
Like, wait, what do you mean? All of a sudden she can just make them go faster. And I understand she's kind of in control of this all, and it's kind of a. And I can apparition if you will. And all in her head that she's controlling all of this stuff, which honestly, that part of the show is super sweet. Like, I mean, who wouldn't maybe want to try and make some bubble that you can control, like the Truman show ish.
Maybe that's more of like Josh's forte of being this super villain, but it would be like a really cool aspect. But to me it just felt like there was too many things that just felt like they were in there to be in there and like fill up a little bit of plot lines slash story ish. But then again, I didn't know much about the background.
So maybe it was actually more meaningful than I knew, but overall, like, I mean, it, it was super enjoyable. Like those, those gripes that I had are just, I guess, more logistical things and probably what was wrong with the show itself. But
Ian: [00:18:03] did you guys watch it with your partner?
Josh: [00:18:06] Yeah.
Ian: [00:18:07] Did both of you agree sort of with your takeaways from the show or was there any sort of disagreement.
Patrick: [00:18:12] I would say we ride on par with each other. I would say we both didn't really watch too many of the movies. So we're just kind of in the same boat of like, Hey, we're just watching this because. One, it looks amazing too. We enjoy these style of shows and movies and everything else. And so it was like, not as invested in it, whereas it's sometimes a lot of the other ones, like the Mandalorian, like I kind of geeked out pretty hard with.
And so I was like, probably like Josh at that point, getting the red string out, like, okay, who's this person. Who's that person like, okay. When is that person showing up? When's that person showing up and unfortunate. Fortunately for me in the Mandalorian they did. And unfortunately for Josh in this one, it looks like they didn't, but it was one of those things that I feel like.
In this one, we were pretty on par with each other in terms of what we were expecting and what we thought of it. So I'd say pretty, pretty similar.
Josh: [00:19:02] yeah, we were not on the same page for me. It was more like he was constantly saying like, I'm so glad you have things that you enjoy. And I would be like, Ooh, did you understand that commercial? That's so sad. And he's like, yeah, there was a paper towel. And I'm like, no, but like the brand and the memory and the first movie and
Patrick: [00:19:25] feel like that would have been like me though. Like, I didn't know the deep enriched meaning behind every single little bit of that product placement.
Josh: [00:19:32] yeah, there was a day where he was confused. Why I was so emotional about paper towels. The brand that they showed for the paper towels was logos. And it said for when you make a big mess and logos is the name of the city where Wanda attempted to stop a bomb and she threw the bomb and it killed like thousands of people.
And she went into a deep depression, got super sad. And so they were like mocking her in that. And like, I, I dunno, I was sitting there like super heartbroken and my husband's like, it's a paper towel. Like calm down. It's like, no, you don't understand.
Ian: [00:20:11] see, that
is a reference that I didn't even, I didn't know. I didn't know that at all.
Patrick: [00:20:16] Like I literally like those little like Easter eggy type things are like what I die for. Like the fact that if I were to notice that like you did, I would have freaked out. Like again, like would have cried or anything else, or like would have been super jacked that I found that out.
But it's something that was just straight over my head would have never known.
Ian: [00:20:35] Josh. Did you understand the yogurt commercial? That was the one that creeped me out the most. It was like a Claymation. Commercial with like a kid on an Island. And he was like trying to open yogurt, but he couldn't open it. And so he liked decayed into a skeleton. And then there was like some shark who was like yogurt or something like that.
Josh: [00:20:55] I had to turn to the fandom for that one because I didn't get it. Apparently it's referencing the Agatha hark Harkins, blah, blah, can like absorb people's powers. And so she like sucks the life out of people.
Ian: [00:21:10] Oh. Hmm. Interesting.
Patrick: [00:21:13] Yeah. That's I loved those commercials. Like I thought there was such a cool aspect of the show and I knew there was like, so much more behind him. I just felt out of the loop. I was just sat there being like, Oh, I really want to like be
Ian: [00:21:27] I'm going to throw my critiques out there and you guys can feel free to like, Completely just break them down. If, if you feel like I'm off, off the rails here, but,
Patrick: [00:21:37] Josh is sitting there sharpening his swords.
Ian: [00:21:41] I did give it an 8.0. I think it's, I think it's a really well-produced show and I really liked the cast.
I really did enjoy seeing the people on the screen. There wasn't anybody who I was like, Oh, they just take it, take it away for them from, you know my problems with the show were mostly pacing problems. I felt like. The first, what was it like three or four episodes when they were really doing the, like stepping through time.
Every episode was a different generation of sitcom. That whole thing, while it was a really brilliant idea and I really enjoyed it and I'm glad they did it. It also kind of felt like they were sort of like. Hey, we have this, this cool, funny idea to like make every episode at different sitcoms. So let's, let's work this into the whole situation somehow, you know?
So it kind of felt a little bit like a gimmick that, that they sort of like shoe horned into fitting into the show. Which, which wasn't a bad thing, except that I think it slowed down the pacing of the show. I felt, I remember, I can't even remember where the third episode got to, but I remember thinking at the end of the third episode, That like cliffhanger that you got to, I remember thinking this is where the first episode should have ended
Patrick: [00:22:52] is that the one like with the color, is that when the color just started to be introduced or right around there, I think
Ian: [00:22:59] I think so. Yeah, but it was, I didn't specifically member at the end of the third episode, I was like, okay, I'm into this now because I know a little bit about what's going on. I kind of feel like the first two episodes that producers and the director were just sort of like playing around with.
Impersonating these comedy shows. And then in the third episode, they were kind of like, okay, we're actually going to give you some plot development now. So I felt that the first few episodes had some pacing issues. And then it kind of using all that time for all of that comedy made it so that the end of the show, I felt like it ended a little bit fast and there was some, there were some characters like Monica Rambo, who I really wanted to see more development for that character, because I was really enjoying that character.
And then like her plot line just sort of ended three episodes before the end of the show. And we hardly even saw her. And.
Josh: [00:23:48] glad that you brought that up because I forgot that I put that down, that I didn't like that either. I have it written down and I forgot to mention it. She was a great character and they did rush her and that frustrated me.
Ian: [00:24:00] Yeah, so, I mean, I, I think that they focused on good things. But it did feel like a little slow to start and then a little like abrupt to end so that the pacing was a little bit off for me. And that took me out of it a little bit. I think my other main complaint was that it felt like they sort of they pushed the mystery a little too far. I think that they didn't give the audience credit enough for figuring things out. They kind of like tried to keep us in the dark a little bit longer than they did. And so by the time they revealed some of the main things, like, you know, she's not in control, like, you know, Wanda is just trapped in her own grief.
I was like, yeah, I kind of figured that out like two episodes ago, you know? And, and then they released some, they revealed some other things. The villain reveal was really good. I really enjoyed the villain, reveal the Agatha, the, which was a little bit cartoony to me for it. Like, I, I didn't really feel like that fear of a villain.
Once she made that shift into the villain role, I really liked like how they kind of built her character and then transitioned her into that. And then she was just like, you know, th this very sort of stereotypical witch flying around, like shooting. Purple beams out of her hands. And so I think that was my, there were just little things like that, that I was just like, Oh man, I, I'm not feeling quite as like hooked into this show the whole time.
And I'm not feeling as emotionally invested because of where they placed their time. They placed a lot of time in that comedy making fun of sitcoms thing. And then they rushed some of the other aspects.
Patrick: [00:25:36] for the Monica Rambo thing. Is she a larger part of. The story then is what's leading on. Cause it's like, that's what it kind of seemed like as, Oh, she's mutating her DNA from going into the little force field too often. And then all of a sudden she's got these powers and it's also like, okay, it's done.
It's like, okay, that can't be it. That just can't be it. There's no
Josh: [00:25:57] yeah. If she doesn't get her own movie, I am going to riot because she's actually, she's supposed to be the original captain. Marvel. Her name is photon and she can control electromagnetic radiation. She can actually turn her body into pure electromagnetic radiation. And so she can like basically turn into light waves and then change everything around around her.
It's really, really cool. And I love it that they hinted at that because when she got her DNA changed, you could kind of see that, like she could see the poles of the magnetic fields. She could see the stars in the sky, through the atmosphere. And so they were hinting at that. She can control electromagnetic radiation. But you're absolutely right. Like, I don't know. I, I feel like I want to get her name right? Tiana Paris. That's the actress that played
Ian: [00:26:53] that's how you, I think that's how you say it.
Josh: [00:26:55] I really hope that I'm pronouncing her name. Right. Because quite frankly, she did an incredible job
Ian: [00:27:00] She was great.
Josh: [00:27:02] yeah. And if she doesn't get her own movie, like where she's the starring role.
I'm going to be mad. Cause I want to know more about this character from like a movie perspective.
Patrick: [00:27:13] especially bringing in like the background with like her mother dying and all that sort of stuff. Like it, it feels like there was more to that story that, that needed to be talked about. Cause there's all of a sudden, like, again, this is probably my, like, In a sense in terms of what's going on in the universe.
The Marvel comic universe that is that really, there was a lot more to what happened. Like all of a sudden, just people are gone and this is probably what happened in the movies that I missed. But all of a sudden she was like gone for a period of time and now her mother's dead. And so like, well, how did that happen?
And so I feel like there's probably a lot that can be put into those movies and a lot that can go. After that. And especially if she can like control electromagnet duration, like I was getting like, sorta like matrix types of vibes when that happened. Like, Oh my gosh, she's reading the matrix. Like she's like, I guess Neo in terms of the matrix where she can manipulate everything around her, how could you not want to be that person?
How could you not want to have a person who has their own series or a movie around that? So I like you guys, I'm very excited for the possibility of that happening.
Ian: [00:28:13] well, it's Marvel, so I'm pretty sure every single person in that show is going to get their own series.
Josh: [00:28:19] Good.
Ian: [00:28:19] probably do a series with the boys, right. Billy and Tommy is, are those their names?
They'll probably get their own series.
Josh: [00:28:28] Wiccan and like speedster. I can't remember what the other one's name is.
Patrick: [00:28:32] I guess I just, I really don't know how this is like gonna work, but like they're real life characters. Like it's, this is not made up in her head. Right? Like they, they, at some point are. Real life humans. So like how do they go from a memory slash in her head slash I don't know what that was, to be honest, to actual like individuals who are a part of the story, did they, was that explained or am I, was I missing something from prior movies?
Like, to me, that was just like, wait a second. They're gone. But I know, I know they exist. So w where are they? What do they come into this.
Josh: [00:29:08] So I have a conspiracy theory.
Patrick: [00:29:10] Yes.
Get the red string out.
Josh: [00:29:15] I think that Dr. Strange is going to have Wanda Maximoff as the villain. I think that she is going to be using incredibly dark magic to rip apart the universe and. Try and get her kids back essentially. And Dr. Strange is like, it's going to be one of those Oh, the bad guy.
Isn't really a bad guy. So it's going to be more, can I reason with you and like end up helping her in the end? I don't know. I kind of envisioned something like that.
Patrick: [00:29:46] did the writers contact you? Is this like maybe just feeling out what might actually happen? Are you actually a part of the team?
Josh: [00:29:54] They should. And if they'd like to my phone number is five zero, three.
Ian: [00:30:01] Yeah. If they don't then Dr. Strange 2, is going to get no higher than a 9.2 from Josh, because we've established that. That's how he rates things.
Okay. Can I ask you guys an opinion question? So I have a bit of a problem. When superheroes get their powers from other superheroes. I don't know why this bothers me, but like, to me, I think a superhero should get their powers from some sort of force of nature or galactic event or something like that.
You know what I mean? And so it bothered me a little bit that Monica Rambo got her powers by walking through. Wanda's powers, like just expose exposure to that gave her different powers. You know what I mean? I don't know why that bothers me so much. Does that even bother either of you? Am I weird?
Josh: [00:30:55] well, I've never even considered it to be honest. Like it's something that I've never thought about, but now I need to like, Categorize all of the heroes that I know that got their powers from natural events versus contact with other superheroes. What are some other superheroes? They got their powers from other superheroes.
Ian: [00:31:14] I don't even know.
Josh: [00:31:16] now
Patrick: [00:31:16] me, it was like, it seemed like the little force field that Wanda had put out was like, I guess radioactive, like, it seemed like it was some natural force that was just emitting a ton of energy. And that ton of energy was almost like a radioactive source. So to me it seemed like a home type thing where she was like experiencing like high, intense energy electromagnetic energy, if you will, which maybe that's what turned her into that, but it just seemed like.
That huge radiating energy coming off from Wanda was the thing that was doing the changing rather than her. Maybe it wasn't her super powers per se or super powers were causing the release of that energy. And the energy was then changing her, I guess that's maybe a justification for it. Not actually being Wanda's powers, but I mean, it didn't bother me probably just because like, I, I didn't know if her powers came from anything else or even what her powers really were.
Like, I don't know if Wanda got hers from like a nuclear bomb going off or she, all of a sudden she just made them. So I, I just, again, the not really understanding how they got their powers in the first place versus a lot of the classic superheroes that I noticed that like, like mutations or a spider bite, or just having a bunch of money.
And then getting your superpowers, sorry, Batman sort of thing. I can't help myself, but Yeah, that one didn't really bother me too much.
Josh: [00:32:36] we know one thing for sure. Ian must hate Rogue. Cause that's literally her power is stealing other people's powers.
Ian: [00:32:46] No, no, no, no. I always thought rogue was really cool. I always thought rogue was really cool. I was a big X-Men fan when I was a kid. But I don't know. I don't know. that's one thing that I like about X-Men is that they're just born with their powers. Like, and that's, that's something that I really like.
It's just like they have a random mutation. And they get their powers. It seems very natural. You know what I mean? It seems almost like an extension of kind of a supernatural extension of evolution. I think my brain just kind of picks and chooses um, what things it likes when it comes to superhero origin stories, because there are some where like, you know, they get it from science and I'm like, Oh yeah, that totally makes sense.
And it's really cool. And then there's others where they get it from science and I'm like, Well, that could just be anybody. And why hasn't it happened to more than one person. And then there's like some where they get it from, you know, the infinity stones or whatever. And I'm like, well, that makes sense.
The infinity stones are this crazy force in the universe. And then other times where I'm like, well, they just touched a thing and now they have super powers. Hasn't anybody else touched that thing? Like, so I think my brain just picks and chooses.
Patrick: [00:33:53] Well that's okay. I'm this is going to be. Like going into parent dad mode, but the same thing happened in an episode of pop patrol. And I'm sorry, I have to bring this in, but there is this big asteroid that hit in the center of the place and all of a sudden, all the pups had these super powers, but what about the rest of the town?
They're literally touching the thing too. And they don't have soup hours that bothered me. So I understand where you're coming from. And like I'm sitting there dissecting an episode of pop patrol because of this. Like, I'm pretty sure. What's your what's your feeling is valid. Like totally. If someone else touched that infinity stone and got it there in the first place, maybe they should have super powers to that sort of thing.
Or is it like a certain distance away you need to be like, maybe you just didn't come within like a foot. And that's like that, that critical distance to actually absorb the power.
Josh: [00:34:38] I will point out that the creepy Russian scientists did say that like 20 other test subjects had died and been vaporized by the mind stone before Wanda walked in and then the mind stone was like, you're cool. I like you.
Ian: [00:34:54] Honestly, I really appreciated that because it did kind of make it feel like, okay, there is something special about this person that gives them the ability to obtain these powers. You know what I mean? Like they're like chosen or something.
Patrick: [00:35:07] Did her parents have superpowers.
Josh: [00:35:10] at least not in the show,
Patrick: [00:35:12] Yeah. I
was going to say in the show for sure. They didn't seem like it, but I didn't know if like it was one of those things where the stone revealed something that she didn't know about herself or to the viewers.
Ian: [00:35:21] Patrick did Mancala make an appearance in Paw Patrol?
Patrick: [00:35:25] Yeah.
Ian: [00:35:26] Mephisto,
Patrick: [00:35:27] it was super umami. Oh, wait. Yeah. Unagi.
Ian: [00:35:33] Hey, I think that now that we're talking about Paw Patrol, I feel like maybe our conversation has come to a natural conclusion. Do either of you have anything else that you absolutely need to say in. criticism of, or in support of Wandavision.
Josh: [00:35:49] yes.
Ian: [00:35:50] Okay.
Patrick: [00:35:51] I was gonna say, I could
Josh: [00:35:51] The song Agatha all along is responsible for at least 50% of that 9.2 that I gave it. That song is a bop that will live on forever.
Ian: [00:36:04] I did enjoy the music. They had lots of like theme songs and all that kind of stuff. And I really did enjoy the attention to detail that they gave that that was another bright spot for the show for sure.
Patrick: [00:36:14] I wish they would have gone a little bit into like the more, witch aspect of it, like when they had those, like, when Agatha went into the thing with all the witches and there it's like showing her, absorbing the powers from other people. And they're trying to like, like destroy her. I don't even really know what was going on.
Like that vibe was like pretty sweet. Like it was pretty spooky, pretty scary, pretty dark. Like she's literally like. Pulling the soul out of these people who like, were her family members, like why not more, that sort of thing. Like, why not bring in a little bit of that aspect of, okay, what's actually going on here.
And then all of a sudden, like Wanda was in that space. And so I felt like that was a really cool aspect to those later episodes, because that felt more like a real, witch sort of thing. Whereas like Ian, what you were saying, like all of a sudden they popped out of that. Place. And she was like the cartoon, witch right.
She was like one step away from being on a broom and flying around rather than just like being almost like a modern day witch. And, and sometimes to me, like the cartoon is stick that I don't want to say like cheesy, cause it wasn't like super cheesy or kitschy or that sort of thing.
But sometimes like the comic book movies tend to just be like, Okay, this is just a comic book movie. You can totally tell just by watching it, whereas some aspects of the show, it didn't feel like that. It felt like it could be like, Oh yeah, that could be someone I know. And that could be anyone like one of you guys could be the next superhero slash supervillain. I think I know which one would be, which. But like that aspect of it was really cool. But then on the other end of that, it just seemed like they went, they kind of fell back on being that Marvel movie where they have people flying around and like the poses when they're flying. Like, to me that just like, it's not a cringe, like, it wasn't super cringe, but when Wanda's like flying every once in a while, I'm like, huh, they can't like find it like a more interesting, like.
Way to fly with just like the same, like Nia, and maybe it's like a homage back to like they did with the original costume. And sometimes maybe their original flying from the original comics. I don't know if that's because I didn't actually read them, but it was one of those things that like, they should, they should really pay into those parts where it felt like, like a darker piece in a more realistic piece than sometimes the kind of more cartoonish stick type actions, I guess.
Ian: [00:38:23] I'm glad you brought that up, Patrick, because that, that was something else that I was just going to mention is that I I know a lot of people really liked the last episode. But it wasn't my favorite episode of the series. Because I did feel like the, special effects in the action kind of took a dip at the end because they were more grandiose.
And I kind of felt like the last episode you could tell it was a TV show and not a movie. Whereas previous to that, I felt like. Like you said earlier, Patrick, it felt like movie quality, special effects. But then as soon as there were like people flying around and stuff, you could kind of tell that it was CGI and it wasn't the best CGI in the world
but more than that have watched a lot of the Marvel movies and I am a little bit sick of everyone being able to fly and everyone being able to shoot rays of light at each other. It seems like everybody has the ability to do those two things. And it doesn't really have much of an impact on me because what inevitably happens, what inevitably happens is two people end up flying in the air and standing.
Like, you know, a hundred feet apart and shooting rays of light at each other. And then the rays of light hit each other and they go Z and then they kind of like grunt and like lean forward. And the Ray of light goes a little bit towards the other one. And then the other one goes and grunts and leans forward.
And the Ray of light goes back towards the other one.
It's literally, after seeing that dozens of times, it's literally as interesting as watching them arm wrestle, because it's exactly the same thing. They're just like, you know,
Josh: [00:39:53] And then the ghost of their dead parents and Cedric Diggory flies out of the
center. And.
Patrick: [00:39:59] I was getting a super Harry Potter Voldemort, or he should not be named five out of that one.
Ian: [00:40:06] I also saw it like three times in Wanda vision. It happened in the scene with the witches. It happened in the scene with vision. It happened in the scene with kind of happened this scene with Agatha and Wanda. So in the next show, I would like them to up their choreography a little bit, like actually actually have them fight, you know, not just fly around and shoot rays at each other, like,
Josh: [00:40:27] the next one is guns and Frisbees. Cause it's a Falcon and the winter soldier.
Ian: [00:40:33] heck yeah. There's going to be some action in that one.
Patrick: [00:40:36] speaking of the vision fight, where did the one, the vision that was all white. where did that vision go
Josh: [00:40:41] That's a great
Patrick: [00:40:42] like. Is
Josh: [00:40:43] he
Patrick: [00:40:44] Yeah, he literally, like, I was like, okay. So then I, I started getting my, like the tinfoil hat on and thinking, okay, what could happen after this? Like, is he out there in the real world now?
And is Wanda gonna find him and maybe that's how they meet and then they meet again and they, like, he has all these memories and then want to meet him. And then, then that's maybe when they have the kids. So then maybe it actually turns into a real life. I guess relationships slash they get a house and that sort of thing.
But yeah, I was like, he just like dips he's like, and then you don't hear, they don't talk about it. They don't do anything else. It's just like, Oh yeah, there's this, just this like absolute cyborg death machine flying around, out in the world. And just, no one knows what he's doing. Like that should be the next season is like him just going about trying to acclimate to normal life after that.
Ian: [00:41:34] So we lost Josh for a moment, which is why there is kind of an awkward pause in the recordings. So,
Hey, Hey everybody we're back so that we can record the last 30 seconds of the show.
Patrick: [00:41:44] I was like, dang like that. That must have been a really bad idea for that second season of Josh. Just going to leave.
Josh: [00:41:51] Like I'm out. We're done your conspiracy theories suck,
Patrick: [00:41:57] Tin, foil hat off. And I'm going to put that one away for a while.
Josh: [00:42:00] you lose privileges with the red string.
Patrick: [00:42:05] Oh, that's good stuff.
Ian: [00:42:06] So I think to summarize, I think we all agree that Wandavision is a great show and I'm really excited to see what more they do with Marvel, cinematic universe shows and movies and, and how they experiment with new ideas, because this was an experiment that I thought for the most part paid off and was really interesting to watch.
Patrick: [00:42:25] agree.
Josh: [00:42:26] yeah, $3 million well spent or like however much they spent.
Patrick: [00:42:30] I was going to say. It has to be a lot. There's some really cool, special effects to it. It's interesting to see where they are going with all that now and what the next little step is. So I'm, I'm excited.
Ian: [00:42:41] Yeah. And it's, I mean, it's Disney money. It's Marvel money, so they're fine. They can experiment with $3 million. No big deal.
Well, that is it for this episode of Yondercast. Thank you all so much for listening. If you like the show, please subscribe and if you have 30 seconds to spare, we would appreciate if you would rate and review us on Apple podcasts.
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Patrick: [00:43:26] bye-bye.