Yondercast: The Gaming Life
Yondercast: The Gaming Life
Introduction to Yondercast
Link to Question Submission form
This episode covers:
- The purpose of this podcast.
- The inspiration behind this podcast.
- What to expect from each episode.
- How to contact us and submit questions:
- Link to Question Submission Form
- Email us at yondercast@gmail.com
- Cover Art Photo: Mosby Lake - follow this dog on instagram at regular_mo.
- Cover Art Font: Paper Cuts 2 by Empire of Dust (Daniel Werneck) is Public Domain.
- Intro Music: Shortened version of “Sweat Time” by Loyalty Freak Music is licensed under a CC0 1.0 Universal License.
- Outro Music: Shortened version of “Alethia” by Nihilore is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Introduction to Yondercast
Hello everyone! My name is Ian Lake and I would like to welcome you to Yondercast. Our goal on this show is to answer your questions as best as we can and have fun while we’re doing it. This is truly an ask-us-anything situation, so if you have any question, whether it’s big or small or serious or not serious at all, please submit it using the form you’ll find on our website or linked in the show notes of every episode. You can also contact us directly at yondercast@gmail.com. And if you want to support the show, honestly the best things you can do are subscribe, listen, and review us on apple podcasts.
Now, for those who are interested, I want give you a little background. This show was born out of unique circumstances, and if you’re listening to this episode right when it aires, you know what I’m talking about. We are in the middle of the global coronavirus, or COVID-19, pandemic right now, and this has affected everything; our society, our economy, our personal lives. For myself, I’m a high school science teacher, and I suddenly no longer have a classroom or get to interact face-to-face with my students, which is my favorite thing about being a teacher. So I was having a conversation with a couple other teachers, Patrick Leitch and Josh Baltzell, who you will hear from a lot on the show, and we were trying to figure out a way to maintain some sort of dialogue with our students. Now I love podcasts, and I’ve wanted to try my hand at podcasting for a long time, so I suggested using this medium as a way to create a conversation between us and our students. And that’s kind of how the seed of Yondercast was planted.
Of course, you might not be a student in one of our classes, but that doesn’t mean this show isn’t for you. We consider all of our listeners to be both our students, if you will, as well as our friends, and we want to make this show for everybody. And in the spirit of making the show for everyone, we are going to keep it clean and profanity free. However, we want to make this a space where we can approach any question, even if it’s difficult or a little uncomfortable, and along with that, we can’t have an honest discussion without sharing our own perspectives and opinions, so while the show will be family friendly it won’t necessarily always be neutral, although we will always do our best to be sensitive and fair-minded.
Right now, we plan to break each episode into three parts. First, we’ll banter for a few minutes about our lives, the news, pop culture, TV, music, games, or whatever else is interesting. Then, we’ll spend the bulk of the show addressing a more academic listener question. And then to wrap things up, we’ll discuss one more listener question at the end of the episode that is more just for fun. And hey, that structure might change and evolve over time, but that is the original vision for Yondercast.
I’m gonna say it just one more time. We need your questions for this show to work, so if you have a question you would like to hear us discuss, fill out the form that you’ll find on our website or linked in the show notes of every episode. You can contact us at yondercast@gmail.com too. And if you like what we do and want to support us, the best thing you can do for us is subscribe, listen, and review us on apple podcasts, and tell everyone you know to join the Yondercast revolution.
Thank you all so much for listening. Goodbye everybody!