Yondercast: The Gaming Life

Ep.18 | Gimme a Break


Overview: Our big news this episode is that, sadly, we will be taking a break from Yondercast for the indefinite future. We get into the reasons for this on the show, but know that we will miss all of you and hope to come back as soon as possible! Other than that one sad note, we had a blast recording this episode. We discuss some great video games and board games, recommend a few top notch TV shows, and melt Josh’s brain with Contronyms. Enjoy the show!

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Episode Agenda with Time Stamps:

  • 00:00:00 - Cold Open - Contronyms
  • 00:07:54 - Intro
  • 00:08:47 - Banter
    • Patrick: Indoor soccer for little ones, Bojack Horseman, Last of Us on HBO!
    • Josh: Learning new skills (programming), new cat (Mr. Sir Fernando Business)
    • Ian: Andor on Disney+, Severance on Apple TV+, Health stuff with my daughter (why we’ve been absent for so long)
  • 00:34:57 - The News! - We’re taking a break.
  • 00:37:16 - Games 
    • Josh - Subnautica update, Ixion
    • Patrick - Hogwarts Legacy, Lego Star Wars, 93% progress on Diablo 2 Holy Grail
    • Ian -  Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury, Pikmin 3, Kirby & the Forgotten Land, board game design, Project L, Res Arcana
  • 00:56:58 - Outro


Yondercast Ep.18: Gimme A Break

[00:00:00] Ian: Hey. I discovered something that kind of blew my mind couple weeks ago, and I specifically wrote it down as something to bring up on the show

[00:00:07] Patrick: Yes.

[00:00:08] Ian: it's contra nims. Are you familiar with Contra nims?

[00:00:12] Josh: if you break it down, contra means like different or

[00:00:16] Patrick: I like contradicting

[00:00:19] Josh: nim means word, right? Because like homonym means two similar sounding words.

[00:00:23] Ian: so you're, you're familiar with synonyms. Things that mean the same thing and antonyms things that mean the opposite thing. Contra Nims are words that have two opposite meanings at the same time,

[00:00:35] Josh: so it's the same word.

[00:00:37] Ian: it's, you use the same word to basically describe two opposite actions or situations.

[00:00:44] Josh: I'm gonna need an example

of this

[00:00:46] Patrick: I try

[00:00:47] Ian: oh, I have examples for you. What blew my mind is that I read this article and it has a bunch of examples and like this is common stuff that I use all the time. So here's example is the word left, which has a bunch of different meanings, but one of them is that if something is left, it means that it is left behind.

But if something left, it means that it is no longer there.

[00:01:10] Patrick: It went away.

[00:01:11] Ian: So a couple people left the party and a couple people were left. Is the same word, means the opposite things,

[00:01:20] Patrick: I get

[00:01:21] Josh: don't like it.

is this only an English thing?

[00:01:26] Ian: I, I don't know. I probably not. or how about the word dust? If you dust something, you are taking dust off of it. You're actively removing dust. Or if you dust something, you are applying dust to it. Like dusting for fingerprints, dusting the keyboard.

[00:01:43] Patrick: Yeah,

[00:01:43] Ian: things. Same exact word,

[00:01:45] Patrick: that's a good one.

[00:01:46] Josh: I take umbridge with that last one though,

[00:01:48] Ian: really?

[00:01:49] Josh: because that's like verb to noun,

[00:01:52] Ian: Hmm.

[00:01:53] Josh: but then, well,

[00:01:54] Ian: Will, a lot of these are like that, you know, like, like the word oversight. Oversight means. to fail to see something or to actively look for something,

[00:02:06] Josh: Oh, that one makes sense.

[00:02:07] Patrick: yeah,

[00:02:08] Ian: right? Or like sanction simultaneously means to give permission for something or to take permission away from something

[00:02:17] Josh: Oh, I never thought about that.

[00:02:19] Ian: like that activity was sanctioned or that activity was sanctioned. could

[00:02:27] Patrick: That one I really don't like.

[00:02:31] Josh: that one. I'm surprised that we still allow that because that one's been a big deal

[00:02:36] Ian: well, and I think, it's, it's like you said, Josh, I think it's like there are certain key words that we use around these words to distinguish what we mean. So it's like if we say, that the government sanction. Certain police activity, it's like, okay, well they allowed it, but if we say they placed a sanction on certain goods from a certain country, it's like, oh, they're not allowing it, or they're limiting it,

[00:03:00] Josh: This

seems like an oversight. Oh, That was not on purpose.

[00:03:05] Ian: like there should be a little more oversight.

[00:03:07] Patrick: Yeah, one?

[00:03:10] Ian: on this oversight.

[00:03:11] Patrick: I feel like that's where you get into like the interpretation of the word, and I really don't like that. That's like the, what is the interpretation of that sanction? Are you adding it or are you subtracting it? And it could totally depend on how you're looking at it or viewing it at any point in time.

[00:03:26] Josh: Words should not be subjective.

come on English. that just can't happen. You can't have words mean the same thing and opposite things at the same time. They can't have the same spelling and different meanings. It's too confusing, like how is someone supposed to learn that?

[00:03:39] Ian: what bothered me the most about it is that I was like mad at myself because here I am, like in my thirties and I never noticed, you know what I mean? It's like one of these things where it's a little bit of a reality check of how much is your brain really processing and how much is your brain sort of just like based on these established loops and sequences that you have in your mind, like you've been using the same word for opposite meanings your whole life and you never knew it.

That's crazy.

[00:04:09] Josh: My brain and I have an agreement not to pull at those threads.

my mental health is holding on by a thread.

[00:04:18] Ian: Can I give you a couple more examples?

[00:04:20] Patrick: Oh yeah, I love it.

[00:04:21] Ian: Trim means to take a little bit away from the edge or to add a little bit to the outside.

[00:04:29] Patrick: Yeah,

[00:04:29] Ian: Trim your beard. Trim the tree.

[00:04:31] Patrick: Yep.

[00:04:32] Ian: Opposite actions. Same word.

[00:04:34] Patrick: You can add trim to like the floor, right? That'll trim around the room. Or you could trim the floor and cut a little edge out.

[00:04:41] Ian: exactly. Yeah. When you place the floorboards, they need to be trimmed to the right length, and then you need to trim the floor,

[00:04:49] Patrick: the floorboards,

[00:04:49] Ian: which is add more stuff or how about the word off? Off means deactivated. Or activated,

[00:04:57] Josh: Wait, how does it mean activated

[00:04:59] Ian: like the alarm is off or the alarm went off.

[00:05:03] Josh: Oh. Oh, that's dumb. I, I'm not enjoying this conversation. I think that this is my least favorite conversation that we've ever had.

[00:05:13] Patrick: I

think your face disagrees because all of your facial expressions scream, intrigue, , or terror.

[00:05:21] Josh: are you saying my face is?

[00:05:23] Patrick: No, I'm saying your face is a contra

[00:05:25] Josh: That's my new insult.

[00:05:28] Patrick: Oh, uh, that might take that as a compliment.

[00:05:32] Josh: Well, at this point, apparently nothing means anything. So whatever,

[00:05:38] Patrick: we're at that point in the argument.

[00:05:40] Ian: Okay. I'm, I'm picking one good last one to share with

[00:05:44] Patrick: Okay. I'm scared.

[00:05:45] Josh: because I'm gonna rage quit

[00:05:48] Patrick: Yeah. Where'd Josh go?

[00:05:50] Josh: Yeah,

[00:05:51] Patrick: Where did he go

[00:05:52] Josh: is mad cuz words have no meaning.

[00:05:54] Patrick: Josh. Josh win off.

[00:05:57] Josh: Yeah.

[00:05:59] Ian: Okay. Here's a good one it's technically a phrase, but the phrase out of, when we use the phrase out of, sometimes we mean outside and sometimes we mean inside.

[00:06:10] Patrick: Hmm.

[00:06:11] Ian: I hardly get out of the house because I work out of my house.

[00:06:15] Josh: That one broke me.

[00:06:23] Patrick: uh,

So there you go. now you have a new term contra Nims, and now you're never gonna feel good using a word ever I couldn't tell that that one broke you by like your face stalled. I couldn't tell if it was la.

[00:06:39] Josh: I already struggle enough with words. Just today a student was like, did you just say leaded And I was like, did I? And they were like, do do you mean lead? I was like, yeah, sure. Leaded lead, whatever. I don't know. English is harsh

[00:06:53] Ian: English is really hard, Josh. You should really not be hard on yourself. Wait, was that another one? I just used the word hard twice. Now I'm, now I'm questioning

mean, lead, you use a lead to lead something like L E E D E. So leaded could work. I forgot what your original statement was, but when did you use the word leaded?

[00:07:14] Josh: to be honest, I have no idea. Oh, I remember, we were talking about, a student said, why do we keep going in education after middle school? And I said something along the lines of, well, we used to stop at a very young age and it leaded to bad things. And a student was like, like that sentence . I was like, what do you mean?

And they were like, you said, lead to bad things. I was like, listen, here you little 15 year old, shut up I teach chemistry, not English.

[00:07:45] Patrick: Oh, that's good.

[00:07:47] Ian: I have a fix for this conundrum that we are currently all having, which is, I think we should start the show because it's time for yonder, cast

[00:07:58] Josh: struggling with words. Better do a thing that requires words,

[00:08:02] Patrick: Does starting mean end? I can't tell.

[00:08:04] Ian: Hey everybody, my name is Ian Lake and I'm joined this week as always by my two wonderful friends, Patrick Leitch and Josh Baltzell

[00:08:12] Patrick: hello, well that was a strange and probably irresponsible way to start the show because now we're all exhausted thinking about language, which is not what you want to be doing when you're talking on a podcast and you want to talk freely and not be questioning yourself the whole time. But hey, I made decisions and we have to , we have to move forward with them.

[00:08:36] Ian: So, uh, it's been a really long time since we have done this show, and we're gonna talk about, about that more later, what the reasons are. But let's just catch up. Patrick, what have you been doing in your life for the last several months?

[00:08:52] Patrick: Yeah, I, I'd say I've just been busy with kids stuff. my little one started indoor soccer, which has been really interesting. I have a very fun picture to show you guys to show you how my oldest Avery has been been taking to playing indoor soccer, which is just classic him. it's actually been really fun though because some of our students are the coaches there, and so you get to kind of see some of the high school kids coaching some of our little ones.

And although I don't have some of them in class, I kind of see them as I'm walking around the building and it's just, it's a very kind of fun moment. And they do such a good job with the kids. It's like, , almost a full circle moment when some of the kids you teach become almost like teachers or coaches to your kids.

It's an, it's an surreal moment, but so Avery's been taking to playing goalie and he, he loves goalie and, well, here is him playing goalie. I don't know if you guys can see

[00:09:44] Josh: he lie? Oh my gosh.

[00:09:48] Ian: So

[00:09:49] Patrick: To give, to give the listeners a, a picture of what's happening. He is currently laying down on his side in the goal facing away from the field. So he's effectively blocking any low kick, but the goal is wide open up above him and he has no idea what's coming.

[00:10:05] Ian: what's also great about that picture is that there's, there's clearly like, a picture painted on the wall behind the goal, which is this adult soccer player, like six feet in the air leaping through the air, like about to kick a ball. And so you showed me that and I was like, Oh wow. Avery grew up fast, cause she's like an adult flying through the air and then I see a

[00:10:32] Patrick: Yeah, he looks

[00:10:32] Ian: laying on the ground.

[00:10:34] Patrick: a lot like Wayne Rooney No, it was, it's been really fun. So we do that every weekend and so it's just kind of fun seeing your little ones go out there and not be super competitive. Like he, he just goes out there and just loves having a good time. Like he's all about their team and they, like, he gathers 'em up and just wants to have a good time.

And then my youngest, she's, she's just out there just ferocious. Like I'm terrified of her sometimes, cuz the adults have to be out there with them to guide them cuz they're pretty young and she just is like, go, go, go, go, go. Kicking the ball as hard as she can and that sort of stuff. So that's been a lot of my time during the day.

And then, I've been watching a show called BoJack Horseman. Have you guys ever heard of that or watched that?

[00:11:14] Josh: I've heard of it.

[00:11:15] Ian: heard of it for

[00:11:16] Patrick: Oh. It's actually really good. Like I was a little hesitant at first because it's, I mean, it's a show about a horse, half horse, half human who, he was like a chi like sort of like a child actor ish in a way, in like a nineties TV show.

And it hits on some pretty dark, harder topics. and it just seems kind of quirky, but honestly it was like, it's really, really good. And so I've been just kind of slowly micing my way through that. And so that's been kind of biting my time at now. I get watch a couple episodes once the kids go down, so it's, it was one that, there's a couple episodes in it that hit me pretty hard and I did not realize they were gonna hit me pretty hard, especially from a show that had seemed, it was like goofy.

It kind of had like this almost like mix between felt like a family guy and Rick and Morty sort of feel to it. But it was actually like, I think there's some pretty deep parts to it. and it's got a, a bunch of pretty good actors. Where are, they're the voices. So I've been watching that and then just fingers crossed that the last of us is as good as people are saying that it can be here on H B O coming up on the 15th.

Ugh. So I'm, I'm pumped cuz obviously we've, I think we've all played the game and they've been talking about how it's been a pretty close adaptation of the first of the first game and they're saying the first season of the show will follow the events of the first game. So pumped, excited,

[00:12:36] Josh: you guys played the game. I screamed and threw the controller

[00:12:42] Patrick: just didn't like it.

[00:12:44] Josh: No, it was a great game. I just, it scared me. The zombies shouldn't click

[00:12:50] Ian: it's creepy. The clickers. Oh, And there's this part a little ways in kind of the first time you meet the clickers and I, I just, it's hard to get through partly cuz it's a hard level, but it's also terrifying.

[00:13:02] Patrick: Mm-hmm.

[00:13:04] Ian: Yeah. It's such a good game and I've been feeling a little mixed about it because just, just by watching the trailers and stuff, it feels like they are really going to stick to the game.

And as someone who knows the game really well, I'm kind of like, oh, I want, I want more. Like, I want them to embellish a different part of the story or like tell events that occurred, after the game between the two games or something like that. But I also know that there's a lot of people who did not play the PS4 slash PS five Last of us game, like Josh And so being able to experience the story cuz it is just a really. Amazing story. So being able to experience it as a show, I'm, I'm happy that that's gonna exist and I I will, I will relish in, reliving it As long as it's good.

[00:13:49] Patrick: Yeah. Fingers crossed.

[00:13:50] Ian: Josh, how about you? What's been going on

[00:13:54] Josh: Actually, it was really funny because when I was trying to fill this out, I was eating dinner with my husband and I was like, we haven't recorded in a year, so I'm gonna have so many things to talk about, like what's new and whatnot. I was like sitting there and I went, what's happened in the past year? , my husband was like, to you, nothing I was like, great. One year and nothing's changed. uh,, yeah,

[00:14:18] Patrick: been some


[00:14:20] Josh: Yeah. It, it took a little bit, but I finally realized that some stuff has happened. Tried learning some new skills. Uh, I've been practicing programming starting with Ruby. I am not computer literate, so it's been a really funny journey so far cuz like so far I've practiced the command prompt and that's been hilarious because the number of times that I've nearly damaged my computer is very high. They're always like, only type in remove directory if you know what you're doing. I've just been typing that thing on repeat, like, copy, paste, my computer's like please stop deleting things. Basically lobotomizing my computer.

[00:15:01] Patrick: God, I feel like you could really do some easy damage if you just didn't know what you were doing and type the wrong thing in

[00:15:08] Josh: It's amazing. people don't realize how lucky they are today to start learning coding because there are so. Safety nets that they install. Like it's kind of mind blowing to learn this stuff because then you sit there and you're just kind of like, the people that do this, are brilliant and you just sit in awe like they, they have cloud versions of computers now where you can practice the command prompt and if you do damage anything, you just click the reset button and it fixes everything for you.

And it's like, oh, you deleted all of these directories that are super important. Don't worry. They'll be back if you just refresh the webpage. And it's, it's amazing cuz Yeah, I, I grew up with my mom learning command prompt and telling me if it's not working, you can't break it more. We would just break the computer and then reinstall Windows 95

[00:16:04] Ian: That's really cool though. I mean, yeah, and you've been working on that for a little while, dipping your toes into different sorts of coding, programming, data analytic type stuff.

[00:16:15] Josh: Yeah. And it's been fun. But let me tell you, nothing damages your ego more than trying to learn a new skill, but being surrounded by Gen Z because I'll tell them like, not to brag, but I'm learning about programming, and they're like, oh yeah, I just finished learning Ruby, JavaScript, Java c plus plus.

And I'm sitting there like, shut up

[00:16:41] Patrick: Let me have this moment. Okay?

[00:16:42] Josh: I know like, Hey, I, I learned how to type, take this variable and add one to it. They're over here. Like, look at this really cool database that I \\made for my d and d character.

But yeah. Beyond the programming thing, we adopted a new cat. so this brings us up to two. We have crumbs and then our new introduction to the family is, Mr. Sir Fernando business.

[00:17:07] Patrick: It's so good.

[00:17:09] Josh: the name kind of fluctuates every once in a while. usually we just call him business or Mr. But his full name is Mr.

Sir Fernando Business.

[00:17:18] Patrick: He's just adding titles.

[00:17:21] Ian: is, that one of those things where if you say it quickly, it like says something else?

[00:17:24] Josh: No, no. Just, we liked a lot of different names. We knew Mr. Business. And then, I, I like Sir because he's very formal and Fernando is just a fun name to say. And so it became Mr. Sir Fernando Business.

[00:17:40] Ian: Yeah. I like Surf Fernando. Surf Fernando has a nice, as a nice ring to it kind of runs together into one. Well, congrats. How is this a kitten or a, rescue?

[00:17:51] Josh: No, actually his like all cats, his story is sad. , whenever you adopt a cat, it's like, yeah, yeah. The cat fell on hard times, But like this, this cat, his, he's four years old and his previous owners, decided that they didn't want him. And so when they moved, they locked him in the house and then moved.

And the new people that were buying the house found him locked in the house. And so they were like, we didn't know what to do. They gave him to the Humane Society and Chris and I were like, fell in love with him immediately. Cuz as soon as we walked into the Humane Society, he came and laid on our feet. And so we were like, well we don't have a choice now. Like, we can't very well experience this. And then be like, okay, bye

[00:18:36] Ian: That's what cats do. Cats just pick their owners. Owners don't pick cats. That's what I remember from being a kid. Like there was one point where we had five cats when I was growing up at the same time. in total, I think my family had seven cats the time that I kind of like lived at home.

And, several of those were similar stories. Like there was one cat Sunshine who had a terrible injury, like this big like wound in his side that was all like infected in everything like that. And I think that my mom went to a meeting in town and opened her door on her way out and this cat just like ran and jumped in her car and wouldn't get out.

Like just wouldn't leave. and it was all like, it had this big wound, so she took it to the vet and then that's how we got sunshine. And I'm pretty sure another cat, you know, several of them just followed us home. We'd be like out on a walk and they would just follow us and then just sit at the door until we let them in.

And cats just choose us.

[00:19:41] Josh: Huh.

[00:19:42] Patrick: It's so true. I mean, I, our cat right now is like 15. I got her when I was in college and I was

[00:19:49] Josh: I love your

[00:19:49] Patrick: clinic, June Bug . Yeah. And her name's June because when I was at the vet clinic working, that's when she came in as astray. And she had been on the streets for like a while cats.

And every time I walked in, she'd like reach a paw outside of the, little cage and like claw at me. And I was like, God, it's so weird. And like I'd play with her all the time. And then as I was leaving the vet clinic to go back to school, they're like, why don't you just have her as long as you pay for like the adoption fee and everything else, which was like a.

Fee they spayed her for free and all that sort of stuff. So I got June and it was another sort of testament that I, I swear she was just like, yeah, you're, you're taking me . Like there's no question about this. Cuz every day I'd walk in, she'd just put her little coil out there and say, come, come pet me.

That sort of thing. So, and she like didn't do it for everyone. It was really, really weird. So I definitely agree with that sentiment that you guys both said that cats definitely sometimes just choose their owners. But I love Mr. Sir Fernando business


[00:20:47] Ian: Congrats. That's that's fantastic. Well, I have also been, super busy, but I have had time to watch some shows that I've really enjoyed. And I know, Patrick, that you've watched some of these, or maybe both of these, but I recently watched the and or series on Disney Plus, which is a Star Wars series.

Josh, have you seen this?

[00:21:07] Josh: I actually haven't, I'm really far behind in Star Wars stuff.

[00:21:11] Ian: I was too, cuz I didn't have Disney Plus for, for quite a while. So I actually recently watched the Boba show. I watched the Obiwan Kenobi show and I watched and or, and I don't wanna like get myself in too hot of water by, by having two hot takes cuz I know that there's people who are fans of all those shows.

[00:21:31] Patrick: Um,throw 'em out there.

[00:21:34] Ian: the, the only one, well, okay, I am willing to

say with authority that the Boba Fe show. categorically a bad show. It's really bad. like I made it all the way through, which is more than I can say about outer bank season two What?

[00:21:59] Josh: you're gonna get us review bombed. You're just affecting so many fandoms right now. Star Wars sucks and Outer Banks sucks.

[00:22:07] Ian: that's not what I, I, I love Star Wars and I thought that, I thought Boba was, was kind of, it's just one of those things where like, it's Star Wars, right? It's huge. There's so much money behind it. There's so much fandom behind it. Like how can they make something so kind of poultry in, in the Star Wars universe?

It's, it's strange how that can happen. Um,obiwan Kenobi was all right. Like, I like Obiwan Kenobi. That show was okay, but it didn't really give me like what I wanted, but, and or. I think, and or might be the best Star Wars that I've seen. it might be my favorite Star Wars experience since I was a kid.

Honestly, , it is a show that is definitely worth watching. for people who aren't even Star Wars fans, because what I love about it, with all of the Star Wars that's come out in the last several years, is that it is Star Wars. That it doesn't have the force, it doesn't have Jedi, it doesn't have just blatant character cameos or repeated lines or, you know, just very obvious references to previous TV shows and movies.

it's its own story. It's a story about people. It's finally a view of what it's like for people to live under the tyranny of the empire, real everyday people, not just like people with special powers and stuff like that. It's, it is very, very good. And there's, there's so much tension.

There's so much like, just good stuff that happens. It's, it's great from start to end. And I am so excited for the second season of that show. And that's another thing I like about it, is that they, wrote it and it's like, it was all written from the beginning for a two season run.

and the whole thing is planned and written, which is, I, I think one of those things that makes a show just feel really well-paced and really well put together is when they, they know exactly where they're going and they have it all planned out from the very beginning. So anyway, that's, that's my rave review of, and, or I don't know how you felt about it, Patrick.

[00:24:00] Patrick: Oh, it was great. It's like all the things I love in any show, let alone, like you said, star Wars without being over the top Star Wars, because at some point it's like, okay, like the same stuff every single time. And like it would be nice if they did something like that with like the, the Marvel Universe.

I feel like, cuz a lot of those things do the same thing of just like all the cameos. And I think you talked about this one other time of like, I feel left out if I missed one. That I feel like they, every time they say something like, God, was that a reference to something else within the universe that I missed versus just being able to enjoy the story of what's going on in a setting I'm familiar with

but you're right, it was good. It was like a, I mean, I'm a big fan of slow Bernie type shows and that felt slow Bernie without being too slow. So it was, it was like a, a wonderful balance.

[00:24:48] Ian: Yeah, it's, I wouldn't re describe it as slow, like it's very, They do a great job of developing the characters and stuff like that, but there's some pretty action-packed stuff that happens in that. I also just recently listened to a podcast. my dad is really into listening to podcasts and he recommends like all sorts of things to me that I should listen to.

And one he's, he knew that I was a big fan of and or, and he was like, well, I listened to this show that, breaks down music, like especially musical scores. And they did an episode on and or, it's, it's a show called Strong Songs and they, they did a breakdown of the and or soundtrack. And it's fascinating.

I wasn't even really thinking about the music when I watched the show, but now I want to go back to the show and watch it and pay attention to the music because they did so much intentional, utilizing different instruments for different planets and, There's symbolism and motifs that show up in the soundtrack, like it's very cool.

it was, it was also fascinating to listen to. So anyway, that's one of my favorite new shows and another one of my favorite new shows, severance on Apple TV Plus Patrick, you told me to watch that show and I hadn't really heard anything about it, but you gave me a,

[00:25:58] Patrick: solid.

[00:25:59] Ian: we just finished it this last week.

[00:26:01] Patrick: Ooh.

[00:26:03] Ian: oh my.

That show is, it's so good. It is a little slow, Bernie, at the beginning. That's my only complaint, is like, you kind of have to tell people get through the first two episodes and then like by the third episode you're into it and things start picking up and then it like really gets crazy. But

[00:26:23] Patrick: The last two episodes or something are just like, oh my, oh



[00:26:27] Ian: oh like,

[00:26:28] Patrick: feel like you can't blink. You can't move. You're just stuck in a, this high suspense high, like thrilling. Like, it's not like scary, but it's definitely like you're, it is like this rush that you're getting while you're watching the whole thing.

Cuz you're just like, oh my God, what's gonna happen next? is this gonna happen? Is that gonna happen? What is this? What is that? And there's. Like, there were times where I like had to actively tell myself to relax my shoulders and sit down for a second. Cause I felt like I was literally getting up to like the edge of my seat, just getting like almost uncomfortable with how suspense it was.

It was, it was awesome.

[00:27:03] Josh: I don't like shows like that. I wouldn't like this show. I don't even know what it's about. And I'm like, I wouldn't like this show. My, my family made me watch taken and I, I had to stand behind the couch the whole time because I was like, no, Liam Neon is stressing me out. I have anxiety right now.

[00:27:20] Ian: I don't know if I would recommend it to you then, because it definitely has that, it's just, it's such a good science fiction story for anybody who hasn't watched it. I guess we should probably describe like, the premise of it.

[00:27:30] Josh: I know I've been sitting here going, what is this like? Is this about somebody losing their job and getting severance pay

[00:27:37] Ian: It's about work, but it's about this, I guess future or maybe kind of alternative present where this technology has been developed where people can have a chip implanted in their brain that dissociates their work self from their personal self. So when they go to work and they walk in, they get in the elevator to go to work, their brain switches and they become their work self, and they have no recollection of anything that happened in their personal life.

No memory, no idea of who they are. , they're essentially just like born all of a sudden in this workspace. And then when they get back in the elevator, they go back to their personal selves and their personal selves has no idea what happens at work, what they do. Who else is there? Nothing.

[00:28:21] Josh: This is just me

[00:28:22] Patrick: Yeah,

[00:28:24] Josh: I feel. I feel like this is just already me,

[00:28:28] Patrick: Well, that's the thing is like, it's a weird mind game of something like this could happen and you just wouldn't know it,

[00:28:33] Ian: it's such a great exploration. That's one of the best things about good sci-fi, right? Is like it's this premise and then they just do a good job of like exploring it. And, You start thinking about, well, the. The work people, they call 'em inns cuz they are like the, in in, there's the inns in the Audis. And so the inns

[00:28:51] Josh: Choices

[00:28:52] Ian: they just suddenly exist and like they have no memory and they never leave work because when they get in the elevator to go home, the next thing that they experience is the elevator opening for their next day of work. So they're essentially in slavery, they work in this windowless basement and they, are never anywhere but work and never do anything but work.

And they have no choice. They can like petition them their outer selves to quit if they want to, but quitting basically means ceasing to exist. It's a really interesting ex. exploration and then some just crazy stuff happens. It is wild.

[00:29:33] Josh: I am actually really captivated by this now.

[00:29:36] Patrick: It's good.

[00:29:38] Josh: I don't have Apple TV . Why do you guys gotta recommend things that I'm like, I don't have that

[00:29:44] Patrick: Well, what do you have?

[00:29:46] Josh: I have like, I have all of these streaming services and everything that I always want to watch are on the services that I

don't have

[00:29:54] Ian: how it goes. Yeah.

[00:29:55] Patrick: enough.

That's how they get you

[00:29:57] Josh: That sounds really good though. You've kind of sold me on that because that's an amazing philosophical dilemma.

[00:30:03] Ian: It's really good it comes to a, a satisfying finale, but also so much left. To explore and to learn and to like so many events for the next season. I just really hope they don't draw it out. I hope it's not a show that they like decide they're, oh, we're just gonna add a couple more seasons.

they have to do the, like, very tight storytelling thing. but it seems like it's incapable hands. So that's, that's what I've been watching. Wow. I just spent a lot of time talking about tv. I apologize.

[00:30:32] Patrick: Oh,


[00:30:32] Ian: been

[00:30:33] Patrick: a lot of good tv, honestly. Like we didn't even get to talk about like House of Dragon. That was really good tv. Like, I dunno if you guys watched The Bear that was good tv, Josh, you'd hate it cuz it's so intense and stressful. But yeah, there's a, there's some good TV on so

I, I could see

[00:30:48] Ian: stuff.

[00:30:49] Patrick: for a while.

[00:30:50] Ian: There's been one or two good things on every single platform, which is so frustrating. Like Joss is saying, like, you can't, you can't watch anything you wanna watch cuz you don't have it

[00:31:00] Patrick: Yep.

[00:31:01] Ian: Unless you pay a lot to have everything. so, uh, that's, that's my lighter news. But I do wanna take a, quick second to just sort of like include an update for people who have been following the show and maybe wondering why it's been months since we've put anything out.

And I will say it is entirely my fault, entirely, because of me that we haven't had yonder cast for quite a while. and I'll kind of give you a, a what the series of events ha has been. I have a 14 month old child now, and so the last year there's been a lot of change. A lot of things have been going on, and so that has been a, just becoming apparent and having that responsibility has definitely impacted my time for other creative pursuits, including the show.

but it's been a little extra intense because, and I won't give like copious details or anything, but, my daughter has been having some health issues, starting around Thanksgiving. she had a really terrible infection that, landed her in the hospital and so we spent several days in the hospital over Thanksgiving.

[00:32:05] Ian: And, the, the infection was something that is commonly associated with leukemia and so we thought maybe she potentially had leukemia for a little while. that looks to be not the case. but she is still, to this day she is immune compromised, which is why she got such a, strange rare infection.

so I have an immune compromised child, which means that she can't go to daycare. So we started daycare for a total of about. Six weeks during which she went about six times because she also got sick multiple times and couldn't go, and all of that stuff that happens at daycare. but now my wife and I, you know, have a child who can't go to daycare.

[00:32:43] Ian: And so I work Monday through Friday. My wife works 12 hour shifts Saturday through Sunday. And that is kind of our life right now. We don't have any sort of breaks or anything, and we have a, a child we're taken care of throughout all of that. So unfortunately there really just hasn't been much time for extra things like yonder cast in my life.

and I appreciate that these guys have not, done a mutiny and taken the show away and just been like, we're gonna do it without you.

[00:33:13] Josh: Honestly the show wouldn't function without you because I listeners have probably picked up on this, but Ian is basically in charge of everything. Ian is the creative input. Ian is responsible for like making sure that the shows are edited. Patrick and I are just here to provide Ian with a sound board to talk to because we are not as talented as Ian.

Ian is truly the man of all of the talents.

[00:33:41] Patrick: Yeah, this would be the most ridiculous, nonsensical show ever. If Ian wasn't here, it'd be me and Josh rambling about the next random thing that popped into our heads for about six hours.

[00:33:53] Josh: And we'd be talking on like headset microphones, cuz Ian even had to send us the link to buy these microphones. You guys sound like you're screaming in a trashcan.

[00:34:05] Patrick: I feel professional. I feel like as someone who's played music and had a sound check before, I feel like Ian does such a great job of making me feel like I'm like a rockstar or something. Every time before we start and then I hear the podcast, I'm like, oh, this sounds really good. We need to pay him more

[00:34:20] Ian: well, that is definitely too generous of you , and to be clear, Patrick and Josh have both volunteered to do more to, you know, take on more of the like, logistical responsibilities and the editing and that sort of thing for this show. And, and we are working towards that for the future.

[00:34:37] Josh: In other words,

[00:34:37] Ian: something and the show is something that I really, really love to do and it's made me very sad to, to not do it.

So anyway, listeners, that's what's been going on. but we're happy to be back we are gonna now move on to the news with Josh Tel.

[00:34:57] Josh: our news is that we're taking a break.

[00:35:34] Ian: Smooth

[00:35:39] Patrick: That's actually a preview of what this show's gonna look like without Ian.

[00:35:44] Josh: uh, yeah. Right. Iwas gonna say, you guys underestimate, when I say buckle up, I mean like the fact that Patrick and I are being given any responsibility. It's like news. Nothing's happened in a year.

[00:35:59] Ian: no, that, that was an extremely awkward transition for me, the host to just like say, haha. Josh, what's the news?

[00:36:09] Josh: yeah.

you give me a free platform and I'm gonna talk about Hogwarts legacy for an hour.

[00:36:14] Patrick: Do it.

so coming out of that whole conversation about why we haven't been on the air, the question has been, you know, how are we gonna keep yonder cast going? And we have some, sad temporary news, which is that we are going to take a break from Yonder Cast. Obviously we have kind of been on break for a little while, but we are officially taking a break.

and this will, this'll be the last episode of Yonder Cast for a little while. We are not taking yonder cast off the internet. It'll still be there. You can catch up onto the old episodes. You can re-listen to, uh, your favorites . I don't think anybody's re-listening to this show, but,

[00:36:48] Josh: I put on sandwiches to sleep at night, but yeah, we are gonna take a little break, but the intention is to come back, hopefully once things are a little bit more settled in my life. Once things have been a little more figured out with what's going on with my daughter, you know, especially when we get like back to the summer months when there's not gonna be as much work to do, we plan to come back to the under cast because it's something that we love to do.

[00:37:15] Patrick: That it is.

[00:37:16] Ian: And you know what else we love to do? We love to play games

[00:37:19] Patrick: That is also very, very true.

[00:37:22] Ian: and this, that's kind of the whole point of this show in a lot of ways. Now that we're 46 minutes into the show, we can talk about the purpose of the show. So, Josh, what have you been playing?

[00:37:33] Josh: So I bring it up every episode. Today's gonna be no different. Sonata just recently dropped a major quality of life update. So basically what they did was there's the sequel below zero, and in below zero they had things like large rooms and a juke box and all these different cool things that you could build.

And in the original they didn't have that. So what they did was they created a live and large update where basically now the original Subnautica has all of these updates to it, and they took all of the cool things in the sequel and like retroactively put it into the original game. And so I replayed the game.

I gotta say, it really changes Your, your strategy for how you're gonna play through the game and they even made it so now you can build bases on land. And so it's just a game changer cuz now you have to worry less about farming because you can build your base on land and then you don't have to worry about growing things cuz all the plants are already growing around you.

I don't know, I thought it was really cool. And so if you haven't played it in a while, I recommend playing it just because it's fun.

[00:38:49] Patrick: Do they have like a constant update, sort of style with the game, or is it just launching with, like a, a second game or a dlc or anything else? Is there like a team that wa works constantly to update it or is it just like a, every once in a while they release an expansion or release a dlc?

[00:39:05] Josh: this is my conspiracy theory.

So they've already announced that they're going to make a third subnautica. I have a very strong feeling that what they're doing is they're trying to make the base game, have all of the new stuff that people liked, because then they're going to take the codes from the base game to build the new game, and they want all of the codes together with the updated graphics, with the, different things that you can find and buy and all of that stuff.

And so I think that what they're doing is they're trying to prep a massive third game with all of the stuff that everybody liked.

[00:39:42] Patrick: That makes sense.

[00:39:43] Josh: At least that's what I hope, cuz in all transparency below zero and I, I mean no shade to unknown worlds because I think that they're a great studio. Below Zero was just mildly trash.

[00:39:57] Patrick: Huh?

[00:39:57] Josh: not a bad game. Loved it. Played it, thought it was fantastic, but the story was weird. It, it just, did not hold up in comparison to the original.

And so I'm hoping that they take that lesson and they actually install the fear elements that the original had. Cuz the new one, it was like, oh, now my base travels. And it's like I never have to worry about anything. And like anything that was dangerous, you could escape really, really easily, . And so it's like there was no fear throughout the game.

[00:40:27] Ian: It's so fascinating to listen to you talk, to, listen to anyone who's like passionate about something and has an interest and knows a lot about it and you know nothing about it. It's always interesting to hear them talk about it like out of context cuz just hearing you say these things that clearly mean a lot to you and anyone else who's played sepata.

But things like, now you've got large rooms

[00:40:52] Josh: Yeah.

Chris makes fun of me because I get obsessive about certain things. Like, I'm not kidding you, I, I was gonna put down Hogwarts legacy, but then I saw that Patrick put it down. I watch YouTube videos where I'll be like sitting watching three hours of YouTube videos and my husband will walk in and be like, what you watching?

And then I'll show him the title of the YouTube video and it's like, these three pixels show us how you'll be casting this spell against this particular enemy and it'll tell us this part of the story. And he's like, you've basically played the game. It hasn't released yet and you've seen every single clip of the trailer and now you just know the game.

But I get obsessive and I can't help but like go down those rabbit holes and.

[00:41:41] Patrick: I love

[00:41:42] Josh: just, that's what I do.

[00:41:44] Ian: one of the joys of life. Like I love to just get into stuff, you know, like sometimes something really captures you and just like letting yourself just be passionate and get lost in that is just, it's joyful.

[00:41:58] Josh: I did try a new game though. for those of you that like management games, like one of those, ooh, you have to build a colony and like manage all of the resources and whatnot. There's a new game called Iion out, and I'm probably mispronouncing that horribly. But, basically you are the manager of a spaceship that, it's like the first SpaceX kind of like colony ship that's ever been created, and it's gonna test out a new hyperdrive.

And when you use the engine, you reappear, where you were originally taking off from. But what happened was when the engine got activated, it blows up the moon and destroys earth. And so you reappear like, 50 years later and the moon is destroyed and earth is destroyed. The solar systems in disarray and you only have like five jumps, to different solar systems before the entire ship explodes.

And so you have to create a fully functioning colony on your ship and get to a new planet and colonize it before the ship explodes. And all of humanity is wiped from existence

[00:43:17] Patrick: I like how you don't like stressful shows, but that literally sounds like the most stressful game I've ever heard of in my life.

[00:43:24] Josh: You guys like story video games. I like where I'm in charge of keeping track of a thousand things. And so I'm over here like, okay, we've got 125,000 alloy metal and we need to build these three different factories. They require five energy, sources each, but we've only got 13 solar panels and so we need to build more solar panels, but that's gonna use more of our silicon.

that is my kind of game. I love that

[00:43:54] Patrick: you've made spreadsheets to be able to tackle all of the jobs in your game.

[00:43:58] Josh: Don't even get me started on why I'm so good at Excel, cuz I will make an Excel spreadsheet to keep track of my resources and use functions to figure out exactly how much I can build before running out

[00:44:12] Patrick: That's awesome.

Sonata, correct me if I'm wrong, is a game about being stranded in the ocean and you have to dive deep into the dark ocean where there are big scary things that wanna hurt you

[00:44:25] Josh: Yep.

[00:44:25] Ian: which is like one of my like worst fears, in life.

And then you just described a game where you have to manage resources so that humanity doesn't completely become extinct, but Taken was too intense.

[00:44:41] Josh: See, I can explain that in TV shows. I'm watching someone else make decisions and it stresses me out cuz I'm not in control of those decisions. And I'm like, if things go wrong, I'm gonna be mad at that person. But if I play a video game and things go wrong, I'm over here like I made the choice. It's my fault.

I at least know that I had control over the situation.

[00:45:06] Ian: Hmm.

[00:45:06] Patrick: That makes


[00:45:07] Ian: Totally makes sense.

[00:45:08] Josh: Yeah. In other words, I'm better than Liam Neon

[00:45:12] Ian: I don't think anybody's arguing that

Well, Patrick, what about you? What's been on your play playlist lately? I don't. . What have you been


[00:45:25] Patrick: my list of play. well I'll start with the segue that Josh had already introduced. What, I'm not playing it, but I'm waiting anxiously for about another month for Hogwarts legacy to come out and I would say, Since we last talked, I looked it up on our last podcast. I don't know if I had gotten the PS five yet, because I think the last time we talked I had won the lottery to get in the lottery and then lost the lottery

to get the PlayStation five.

And then shortly when summer started, I won the lottery again and then won the LA lottery to win the lottery. So I got a PS five. And so, I'm very, very. Hopeful that Hogwarts legacy is really, really good and I'm very, very pumped up for it. So in the meantime, I'm using the PlayStation to play Lego Star Wars.

I asked for this for Christmas from my oldest, my near five year old, so we could play it together. and then one night I was like, Hey, Kaylee, my wife. I was like, do you want to test it out? See if like a kid would be able to play this? Turns out she loves it. So it has now become like our game to play together every once in a while, which has been fun.

[00:46:34] Patrick: She's not a huge gamer and she gets very tired of me talking about like World of Warcraft and Diablo. So it's fun to have something that she can also be a part of. And there'll be nights where like, sh do you wanna go game? And I'm like, oh, what? Excuse what? So it's, it's, it's been fun because they're, I don't know if you guys, have you guys played any of the Lego games like Lego, Harry Potter, Lego Star

[00:46:56] Josh: Oh yeah, Lego

Games. Hold up.

[00:46:58] Ian: I've heard such great things and I, I never really have.

[00:47:01] Patrick: Mm-hmm. , I would, I would recommend it just because they're, they're puzzle based. They're explorative, they're, collector. Like if you love collecting things, like the completionist in me loves it because there's so many things to do. There's the story involved. So I've been really enjoying that. That's like kind of what I'm doing.

that's progressive. in terms of like doing something with somebody else, other than just playing Diablo too over and over and over and over,

[00:47:26] Ian: which you've also been doing.

[00:47:27] Patrick: Yeah. A lot of, believe it or not, trying to get the holy Grail in. So for those that don't know, that's finding every item in the game.

And some items have like an insanely low drop rate, like one in 400,000 chance of dropping. And so it's a lot of just mindless playing. When other things are going on. I'm at 93%, which I feel like is pretty good. I only got like, what is it, 37 items left to find. Unfortunately the hardest items to find, I still have left, so it's probably gonna be another couple years, but it's always something to work for.

I've only been playing it for 20, so what's another 20? More

[00:48:03] Ian: I wonder where you. , where you would rank in terms of how many people in the world have collected 93% of the items in Diablo too. It'd be interesting to know,

[00:48:14] Patrick: Yeah, there's some of them are just like, you can go like forever. Like I actually found an item Aroon, so kinda like that mug. You guys got me with all the roons on it. One of those, the hardest one to get. I actually got two days ago, I was just kind of messing around and you hear the item drop. I'm like, Whoa, I've never seen this before.

Like it was a super, super, not super, super rare, but it's like the highest level RO you can get. And I was like, oh my gosh. Like, it felt like an a super good achievement, but the Roone itself is like not super valuable in a way. So it was kind of fun. Is that, that's what l I love about it. It's like you win the lottery and you're like, oh dang, that was really kind of cool.

It means nothing but . I'm like, Hey, oh, I have no one to celebrate this with, so I'll put it in my inventory and move on. But yep, that's what I've been playing. It's been fun, but I'm really hoping for that. Hogwarts legacy and then Diablo four is coming out in the summer, so I've pre-ordered that, so for that

[00:49:07] Ian: That looks pretty cool. Well, I haven't been doing too much video gaming. I've been doing a little bit. social gaming on the pc,I have a VR headset, and so we recently did among us VR and, there's some other good VR experiences that are just super fun to run around with catch up with people while you're doing something fun in a, in a virtual world. been doing some of that. But in terms of like playing, real games, I've just been playing some switch.

So over the, the last few months, I have managed to play a few.

[00:49:38] Ian: Kind of nostalgic Nintendo titles. I tend to go for those, especially when, you know, I'm looking for some sort of escapism. So I played Super Mario 3D World, or the, technically it's Super Mario 3D World plus Bowers Fury. it's a mouthful of a title. and I played Pickman three and I played Kirby in the Forgotten Land.

None of which are like new hotness. Well, maybe Kirby is, it's kind of newer. The other ones are older.

[00:50:02] Josh: Yeah, that was new

[00:50:03] Patrick: new

[00:50:04] Ian: I enjoyed 'em all. I think if I had to rank them, I would definitely put Super Mario 3D World at the top. It's, it's a great Mario experience. gotta love Mario. They seem to always do it right.

It's always a good time. And then probably Pickman three after that. It's a, it's a really fun game. A little short on the. which I think is most people's problem with it. And again, Nintendo does this thing where even though it's a super, it's like a Weu title that's a re-release for the switch. And it's not even new on the switch, but they still ask full price for it.

You know, they're haven't, like, it should be like 10 bucks or 15 bucks now. And instead it's like 40, 50, unless you get it on sale. But,

[00:50:43] Josh: talked about that, didn't we? Where we were kind of reading Nintendo for that and it was, toad, captain Toad Adventure World Supreme, mega Awesome. Coin Collector Edition.

[00:50:55] Ian: I

I think it's

[00:50:56] Patrick: Toads Wild Ride.

[00:50:58] Josh: Toad's Wild Ride.

[00:51:00] Ian: Well now you're making me forget. It's Captain Toad. Treasure Tracker. Treasure tracker.

[00:51:06] Josh: Oh yeah, that's what it was. Okay.

[00:51:09] Ian: But yeah, the Kirby game was interesting, but a little weird there was some strangeness, especially in the story at the end. I was a little like, am I watching like an anime right now? Like it's, it was kind of strange. but that's been a kind of smaller part of my life. I've actually been, most of my kind of creative and game energy has been going into a little bit of game design.

I don't think I've talked about this on the podcast at all. I know I've talked about it with you guys, but I love board games. I love card games, tabletop experiences. I've kind of gravitated towards those more than video games in the last few years, and I have always wanted to get into designing those.

I've tried pretty pathetically in years past to, to design things. It always has fallen flat, but I really got into it the last few years and I actually put together a game that. I'm really excited about and I pitched it to a company in Germany and they were interested in seeing a prototype, so I sent them a prototype.

And getting that together was truthfully another reason why the podcast didn't come out for a long time, cuz it was like, if I had any time to try and get a, a project together, I was working on play testing, developing, putting together the visuals, writing the rule book, you know, trying to put together this game to send to this, this company that was interested.

So that's been really fun. a little bit stressful, but, and I haven't heard a decision back yet from them. But, that's, that's been something that game related that I have been into recently.

[00:52:40] Patrick: That's awesome.

[00:52:42] Ian: And, I have been doing a little bit of like, just playing board games and card games and I have a couple recommendations if people are interested in, in any new games. Couple of the, the recent hits, one that, that my wife actually really likes and I really like and everyone I've ex showed it to you, has enjoyed, it's called Project L It's kind of like a Tetris game. but it's this, this beautiful production where there's these multi-layered boards that actually have slotted shapes and you take these very nice, chunky plastic Tetris pieces and like slot them into the board. It's a very satisfying physical experience and you're just trying to complete these little puzzles and.

Score points. But when you complete a puzzle, you like get all your pieces back and suddenly you have this like, big influx of things to use on future puzzles. It's this great kind of like engine building spatial puzzle with a fun theme. Really easy to explain, super fast to play. I really enjoy Project L

[00:53:40] Patrick: Looks cool.

[00:53:41] Ian: Yeah. Yeah. It's a really cool game. the other one that I have as a recommendation is called Res Arkana, R e s a R C a N A. And that's a little bit more of like an intense strategy game, not crazy intense,

[00:53:54] Josh: I'm intrigued.

[00:53:55] Ian: it's one of the tightest designs that I have played in a long time.

I think it's a brilliant game. It's one of my favorite games. it is, it's by this very famous, Game designer who designed this game called Race for the Galaxy a number of years ago. That's very popular. I like Res Arkana more. it's got a, it's got a fantasy theme and it's got really nice art. So there's, you know, dragons and sorcerers and spells and, you know, all sorts of kind of classic fantasy stuff and cool classic looking art.

But it's just this game about putting together a, it's basically a combo building game and cards, like don't do much on their own, but when you get this like, synergistic combo going, it almost feels like you're breaking the game because it's like, wow. How, how did you do that?

Like, how did you just win? so decisively. But there's so many different ways to do that. It's hard to explain, but it's just a very cool game. So if that is at all interesting, I recommend people look into to res arkana. It's a great little game.

[00:54:57] Patrick: Yeah, the art's fantastic.

[00:54:59] Ian: It's really cool. And it's got a couple, great expansions. I have both expansions. and they, they're also, that's one of the reasons I why I love it is because the expansions don't add this like huge rules overhead. They just add a lot more variability and depth to the game that's already there without really like adding too much more to know in order to play.

So you can even like teach new players to play the game and include it ex expansion stuff when you do that, which is super cool. So

couple of my biggest hits of the last couple years.

[00:55:29] Patrick: You've never failed a recommendation. I think you're a hundred percent for recommendations of anything I've, I've gotten and tried that you've recommended. So

[00:55:38] Ian: And you're welcome to borrow. I mean, I, this is, sorry, listeners, I don't think I can really offer to lend you my board games, but Patrick and Josh, you can borrow my board games if you want to check 'em out.

[00:55:48] Josh: And Ian's address for getting the board game is.

[00:55:52] Patrick: Yeah.

[00:55:56] Ian: I'm glad that we are all finding some time to have fun. we are also sort of deep into the school year at this point. I don't know if you guys feel this way, but teaching is kind of a, it's a sprint marathon.

It's like a very, very long sprint. it's exhausting like a sprint, but it it lasts nine months and then you get a few months to recover. and so, it's probably fitting for all of us to, take a break from the show at this point because it's just getting really busy.

[00:56:21] Patrick: Mm-hmm.

[00:56:22] Josh: When you said nine months, I was sitting there like, it's like being pregnant every year. Nine months

[00:56:28] Ian: Mm-hmm.

I don't know if we should really say that as like three men on a podcast

that were like,

[00:56:36] Josh: was gonna

[00:56:37] Ian: teaching is just like being pregnant.

[00:56:41] Patrick: Talk about here come the review

[00:56:43] Ian: Yeah.

[00:56:44] Josh: I know, right?

Uh, well, did we miss. ,

[00:56:47] Josh: The only thing that

[00:56:47] Patrick: I

[00:56:48] Josh: missed

was you guys,

[00:56:49] Patrick: No. That was very nice.

[00:56:51] Ian: Hmm. Well, I think that's, that's a very nice note for us to end on. So let's wrap up the show. everybody, thank you so much for listening to this episode and all of our episodes of Yonder Cast. If you enjoyed what you heard, please rate and review us on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts.

we'll still be taking questions and you can reach us at yondercast@gmail.com thank you so much for your support and

[00:57:18] Ian: We will see you in the future, so take care Until then,

[00:57:22] Patrick: Bye.